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Ep-2 Importance, Benefits of Sleep and Correct time of sleep of different age group chart. Ft. Prince Vijay Santhosh (PVS PODCAST)

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Hello Folks, This is prince Vijay Santhosh hosting today's podcast of episode no 2. So today we are going to discuss the topic "Importance of Sleep". We know that, some people say that you need to sleep less hours and some other people say you need to sleep more hours. Instead of confusion. let's break the myth and find the truth today. Folks,Don't forget to follow me on Instagram:- Prince Vijay Santhosh
First, let's study the definition of sleep:- It is a condition of body and mind which typically recurs (which means repeats) for several hours every night. 
Getting enough sleep is essential for a person to maintain optimal health and well-being. When it comes to their health, sleep is as important as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet.
Modern-day living in many countries do not always get adequate sleep. Yet, people must make an effort to get enough good sleep regularly.
Now lets study briefly What Happens in sleep:-
Let's Take an example, If we sleep for 8 hours, In those 8 hours our body requires 7 and half hours to breakdown the complex functions. Complex Function Includes Physical and Mental Growth, Detoxification, Improvement of the immune system, and development of the body. When you were young, your mother may have told you that you need to get enough sleep to grow strong and tall. Moms are always right! Deep sleep triggers more release of growth hormone. So More Sleep... More Growth... This Complex process takes place for 7 and a half hours out of eight. The success of a person lies in this last half an hour process. At the last half an hour of your sleep, Your brain starts neuro-connections. This last stage is a very vital process. This Stage is called the Golden Hour. In this stage whatever you read, memorized, listened, etc. will be sent to permanent memory in this Golden hour. If we take an example of a student, if a student prepares for an exam and if he gets proper sleep, i.e, his Golden hour is not disturbed, then there is a great scope for topping in the class. If Student Prepares for the whole night, and his Golden hour is disturbed then there is 
A great scope of failing in his subjects. Also in everyday life sleep plays a vital role. Improper sleep leads to less social and emotional intelligence. Also, our day will be dizzy.
Many successful people sleep for fewer hours, because of their food pattern, the complex is less, so the time for breakdown is less, Results to less sleep, in other words, their sleep depends on their body structure, age, type of work.
But for us due to busy and pollution life, We need more sleep.
The Benefits of Sleep
1. Better productivity and concentration
Good sleep links to several brain functions like- good concentration, good productivity, good cognition. Children’s sleep patterns and hours can have a direct impact on their behavior and academic performance.
2. Better calorie regulation
As I told in sleep the de-toxification happens so it leads to fewer calories, and getting a good night’s sleep can help a person consume fewer calories during the day. When a person does not sleep long enough, it affects their body’s ability to regulate food intake.
3. Lower risk of heart disease
One risk factor for heart disease is high blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting adequate rest each night allows the body’s blood pressure to regulate itself. So Good sleep decreases the risk of Heart Strokes.
6. More social and emotional intelligence
Sleep links to people’s emotional and social intelligence. Someone who does not get adequate sleep is more likely to have issues with recognizing other people’s emotions and expressions.
9. Stronger immune system
Sleep helps the body repair, regenerate, and recover. The immune system is no exception to this relationship. Some research shows how better sleep quality can help the body fight off infection.
Now let's Discuss the correct time for the sleep of different Age Groups:-
Newborns (0–3 months): 14–17 hours
Infants (4–12 months): 12–16 hours
Toddler (1–2 years): 11–14 hours
Preschool (3–5 years): 10–13 hours
School-age (6–12 years): 9–12 hours
Teen (13–18 years): 8–10 hours
Adult (18–60 years): 7plus hours
Adult (61–64 years): 7–9 hours
Adult (65+ years): 7–8 hours
A good sleep requires well as the number of hours, the quality of sleep is also important. 
So, Folks, That's all for today thank you for your patience and also please share this podcast with all your friends and family. And let's educate all with correct information. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram:- Prince Vijay Santhosh. And visit my website for more info. See you all in my next Podcast. Thank you. 


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